Tuesday, November 6, 2012

First Haircut

This past weekend Andrew was referred to as a girl a couple times.  I guess people couldn't believe the cute little blond curls wouldn't be on a boy, even though he was clearly dressed as a boy.

Anyway, I decided that maybe he could use a little trim. That is easier said than done on a squirmy wiggly 19 month old that doesn't sit still for more than 2.5 seconds.  I trimmed up his bangs and the sides while he was eating breakfast yesterday. He was distracted by Timmy Time on Disney Jr (yes, we sometimes let him watch cartoons during breakfast - gasp) so I got in a couple snips.  I knew there was no way he was sitting still for me to do the back, so he went to daycare with a nice little mullet (He was also wearing camouflage pants so we were in full redneck mode yesterday).

Last night while we had him in the tub I called J in to hold/distract him so I could snip the back. I didn't want to cut too much because I adore his soft curls, but I needed to make it less mullet-y.  Two snips and we were done.  I almost teared up looking at the curls in my hands (which I quickly put in a ziploc bag to save - yeah I'm weird).  We got him out and dried him off so we could take a look at my handiwork.  It's probably very uneven and we probably should have taken him somewhere to have it done, but I couldn't bring myself to pay $20 for 4 or 5 snips of the scissors.

He happily ran around after his bath looking like a little dutch boy. He still looks cute, but I already miss his adorable curls.  They'll grow back, right??

These are the best pictures I could get of him this morning. This kid does not sit still.


  1. Aw first haircut!!If you are weird, I am too, I totally plan on saving G's hair from his first cut. It's past time, but my husband isn't emotionally ready for the cut. So we're rocking quite the shaggy 'do lately.

    Andrew looks adorable, as always! And yes, I think Andrew will end up with your wavy hair, to answer your question.

    1. I wasn't emotionally ready, either, which is why I'm sad that he's not still rocking his shaggy 'do :(

  2. Good job! I am all about the do it yourself approach too. I saved a snip of Leland's hair from his first cut. I taped it in his baby book. I thought it was more normal than weird.

    1. I think it's more the amount of hair that I saved that's weird. I kept everything I cut off :)

  3. Savinf a lock of your baby's hair is 100% normal!!! I think it looks like you did a a great job!

  4. Thanks! We think he's pretty cute, too :)
