It's official, nowhere is safe anymore. I used to be able to lock Andrew in our bedroom while I showered after the gym and just put anything I didn't want him to mess with up on the bed. Our bed is pretty high and he can't get up there. Or I should say he
couldn't. Last night while I was showering he was doing his typical running in and out of the bathroom. Then he disappeared and didn't come back. I finished up and when I got out I saw this:
Just lounging on our bed watching 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates'. That thing on the bed behind him is the DVD player that I put up there out of his reach (J needs to install it and it's just been sitting on the glider ottoman).
I asked him "How did you get up there?" because I really thought that J must have come in and put him there. Nope. He happily scooted over to the side and slid off, then ran to the foot of the bed and climbed back up using the chest as a ladder and heaved himself over the footboard. He was SO proud of himself. Truth be told, I was proud, too. I'm just bummed that I can't stash things he shouldn't get into up there anymore...
Anyway, on to this week:
How far along? 13w0d and the size of a peach. ~2.9 inches and .8 ounces. Munchkin 2.0 is forming vocal cords and teeth and already has fingerprints. Weird.
Weight loss/gain: I didn't even bother to weigh myself this morning. I feel crappy and haven't taken one in several days so I avoided the scale. I'm sure it's at least 6.5 lbs. Ugh.
Maternity clothes: Nope - my regular clothes fit just fine.
Symptoms: I'm still exhausted (where is that second tri burst of energy?), still constipated, still queasy every once in a while and having some fun round ligament pain.
Sex (of baby): We will reveal this next month :)
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well for the most part. I really wish I'd stop waking up 5 mins before my alarm goes off, though.
Best moment this week? Finding out that 2.0 is healthy.
Movement: Nope. I'm wondering if I'll feel it earlier this go 'round, but I figure it's still at least a few weeks off.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, I'm just hungry all the time.
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss? Having energy.
What I'm looking forward to? My appt next Tuesday and hopefully getting to hear the heartbeat. We're also telling my mom this weekend that I'm pregnant (if she is able to come down on Sunday).
Milestones: Oh so close to 2nd tri.
What I'm nervous about: Telling work. I'm freaking out because word came down this week about possible furloughs for Defense Department civilian workers. I don't work directly for them, but we are contractors and not sure how this will affect us. I'm scared to tell them now because I feel like I'll be seen as expendable.
Still not much to see, but I'm definitely starting to poof out a little more. It's getting to the point where there is no sucking it in. It's even worse at night.