Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick-or-Treating Fun

As I posted about yesterday, Halloween kind of started out with a bang with both kiddos melting down when I put their costumes on them.  I didn't have overly high hopes for trick-or-treating last night based on the morning's fiasco, but we decided to give it a whirl anyway.

J and I got Elliot dressed back in his Robin costume and put him in the stroller so we could walk over to daycare to pick up Andrew. We figured we could just go trick-or-treating on the way home.  When we got there Andrew was in other clothes so we needed to put him back in his pajamas costume so we could go.  When I got out the cape and asked if he wanted to put it on I was pleasantly surprised when he said "Yes!" and turned so I could put it on him.  Excellent!

We got him in the stroller and headed out in search of houses that were giving out candy. It was only 5:30 and still light out so we couldn't just base it on houses with their outside lights on. We took a roundabout route towards our house and stopped at a couple houses where the owners were sitting outside with their candy bowls. For the first couple houses Andrew was very shy. He didn't want to walk up to the people and was hesitant to even hold out his pumpkin.  At one of those houses he got a mini tootsie pop and as soon as he did he held it up to me saying "Open for you!" (He mixes up his pronouns and says 'you' instead of 'me' all the time).  I relented and opened the lollipop for him. He sucked on it pretty much the entire rest of the time that we were out there.

Before we headed home we swung by the neighborhood next to ours because we know there are a lot of kids in that neighborhood so we figured there would be lots of people handing out candy (our own neighborhood is lame and no one bothers to come to it for trick-or-treating).  Once we got into the neighborhood we let him back out of the stroller and headed to the first house.  Pretty soon he started to get the idea and would run up to the next house with his little pumpkin.  I was trying to keep up with him and steer him in the right direction and would walk up to the doors with him.

He would never actually say "Trick or Treat!", but he's shy around people he doesn't know, so I'm not surprised.  Everyone thought he was a cute little Batman, even without his mask.

Going to that neighborhood turned out to be a great idea. Most houses had tables at the end of their driveways where the person was handing out candy. Parents were walking their kids around, many with beers or glasses of wine in their hands (the parents, not the kids).  It was a nice festive atmosphere and Andrew was really enjoying himself.

He did great about walking up to the candy givers and looking cute. If they had tables set up he would normally walk up and put his pumpkin up on the table.

If the person held out the candy bowl to him he never grabbed a handful. He would look at it carefully and then select the one thing he wanted (he apparently has an affinity for lollipops).  It was so much fun and I loved seeing how excited he was getting.

We kept going until almost 7:00 and then decided to head home. Elliot was starting to get riled up (he demands that we start the bedtime routine around 7:00 and last night was no exception).  We headed for home just in time for it to start raining. Luckily it didn't last long and Andrew didn't seem to mind.  We got home, got both kids in the bath, and got them off to bed.  Everyone was tired from the night out so we all wanted to hit the sack. So what started out as a rough morning ended up being a successful Halloween.  I hope you all had a wonderful time as well!


  1. I'm glad your Halloween turned around! Though, crying or not, that was a great superhero duo!

  2. Love how he wasn't greedy and just selected his favorite. So sweet! Glad you had a good time!:)

  3. Love how he wasn't greedy and just selected his favorite. So sweet! Glad you had a good time!:)
