Wednesday, February 2, 2011

100 posts

Dang - I didn't realize that I posted so much until I just saw the count.  I guess I do like to ramble...

Anyway, this morning I had my latest appt with my OB.  All is well in there. I was happy to see that my weight didn't go up from 2 weeks ago (I seemed to have gained a lot right before that appt), my BP was fine, my ute is measuring slightly ahead at 31 weeks, and his heartbeat was nice and strong in the 150's. She had to chase him to get it a couple times because the little bugger was pretty squirmy.  We could actually hear him moving around, which was pretty funny.  The little guy likes to dance!

My next appt is in 2 weeks and she said around the 35-36 week mark they'll start checking me and testing me for Group B Strep.  Fun stuff.

On my way to the appt I stopped at Lord & Evans to try to pick out a paint color for the walls of the nursery.  I wasn't able to get an actual sample, but I picked out all kinds of cards for J and I to go over tonight. Hopefully we can agree on one and the walls can get painted this weekend.  Fingers crossed!

And here is my late weekly check-in:

How far along? 30w3d - approx 15.7 inches and 3 lbs. Like the head of a cabbage.

Weight gain/loss: This morning I was at +21.7 lbs.  Sigh.

Maternity Clothes: Still half and half but most work pants are maternity.  Shirts can go either way. And I'm still utilizing the hairband trick on my jeans.

Symptoms:  Almost nightly leg cramps from hell.  The kind that makes me jump (as much as I can) out of bed to stretch them. Very painful.  And I'm getting more tired.

Gender:  It's a boy!!!

Sleep? So-so.  My favorite sleep position is clearly not his.  And the leg cramp wake up calls in the middle of the night pretty much suck.

Best moment this week? Laying on the couch and J had his hand on my belly so he could feel our little guy squirm.  That and the fact that the baby bedding came in - I love it!

Movement: All the time - and not just kicks. There are lots of body parts pushing out and I'm always trying to push them back in. He is definitely more squirmy than kicky now. Must be getting tight in there.

Food cravings/aversions: Still sweets, but I've been doing good with them.

Belly button in or out? In but flattening out.

What I miss? Being able to get up off the couch without groaning. And sleeping peacefully.

What I am looking forward to? Not baby related, but going to the Super Bowl this weekend.  Baby W will get to cheer for my team as we go for 7.  Oh, and I look forward to coming back to a painted nursery.
Milestones: Less than 10 weeks. Yikes!

What I'm nervous about: That I will fail at breastfeeding. I was reading about it and it doesn't seem easy.

And here is a pic:

1 comment:

  1. I know it's hard to see the weight gain, but you look fabulous!!! :)
