Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Time To See Our Little Guy Again

Yesterday afternoon at 2:30 I had my anatomy scan for this pregnancy.  It was slightly anti-climactic since we've known for eight weeks what we are having, but it was still exciting since it had been 11 weeks since we had a peek inside.  Back then he was just a little blob so I couldn't wait to see him again.

I was also nervous because I really just wanted to find out that everything is ok in there and to get a clean bill of health for our little 2.0.  I've only been feeling sporadic little thumps and I don't have a home doppler so my appointments are the only time that I get confirmation that things are ok.

When we got in the u/s room I hopped up on the table and Kelsey, our tech, squirted the warm goo on my belly. As soon as the wand hit my belly he popped right up on the screen and yay! This time he actually looked like a baby!

She confirmed that yes, he most definitely IS a boy - not that the chromosomes would lie:

It turns out I do have an anterior placenta (again) so that's why I've been feeling minimal movement so far. I do feel him down low, but it's still pretty sporadic.

She started checking all of his measurements, including his little legs:

She even got his little feet:

Then she seemed to be spending a lot of time getting measurements on his heart.  I got a little concerned because I don't remember her spending this amount of time on Andrew's heart, but as she took each picture she assured us that everything looked great and just how it should.  Everything was closed where it should be  and was perfect.

She got a couple pictures of his profile:

And him putting his little arm up by his head:

It was like he was saying "Oh, this is such a rough life."

She also looked at his spine and that looked perfect as well:

He has that big old belly and a tiny little butt. Kind of like his big brother  :)

With all of his measurements he was coming in at an estimated weight of 15 oz and was measuring 5 days ahead.  Yikes!  Slow down little dude!

After we were done with the u/s I met with my doctor (J had to leave since we waited 30 mins). She looked over all of the pictures and confirmed that everything looked perfect.  I scheduled  my next appt for May 14th. That will be just another boring one and then the one after that will be the glucose test one and then we move to every 2 weeks.  OMG. This pregnancy is flying by and it's freaking me out.  At least now we know that our second little guy is healthy and that things are right on track.  Such a relief...


  1. Glad your second little peanut is a healthy dude!

    1. Thank you! I was so relieved to get all good news during the scan :)

  2. glad he looks good :) our tech spent SO long taking pics of eliot's heart that both will and i said together "is everything ok??" we didn't remember them taking that many of liam, either.

    your pregnancy is flying!! can't wait to meet him :)

    1. Yeah, I kept asking to make sure everything looked good and she kept assuring us that it was great. I guess maybe I just didn't notice how much time was spent on Andrew's heart.

      And yes, it is flying and I'm freaking out about that!!!

  3. Aaaawwwwwwww, looks like one cute not-blob! I didn't know you had an anterior placenta last time. Just think, before you know it, you'll be 30+ weeks and feeling EVERYthing and you'll be saying, whoa, slow down in there little dude!

    So very exciting!

    1. Yep, I had one with Andrew so I didn't feel ANY movement until I was over 21 weeks. I've felt this little guy move, but just recently, and it's always down low a couple inches below my belly button. The anterior placenta will be nice at the end when it offers some extra cushioning :)
