Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Toddle Along Tuesday ~ Pet Peeves

I haven't done one of these in forever, so I thought I'd jump back on the wagon with this week's TAT.   Especially since it's about pet peeves and my cranky sickly self would like to complain  :)

I have many many pet peeves, but I'll stick to just a few so I don't sound too whiny.

1.  Lazy people at the store.
In particular I am talking about the absolute laziness when it comes to the parking lot.  Every time I pull into a parking lot at a grocery store, or Target or Walmart my blood boils when I see this:

Yes, that would be a shopping cart that some wonderful Walmart shopper decided to leave next to my car instead of returning it to the cart corral that you can see in the space directly behind my car.  WTF?  Is it really that hard to walk the 15 extra feet to put it where it belongs?  And I don't give people with kids a pass on that. When I'm carting my toddler around I still manage to return my cart to where it belongs just fine.  People in this country are just unbelievably lazy.  And I have flat out said "That isn't where that goes." to someone when I see them just shoving a cart up on a little median or in an open spot instead of putting it where it belongs.  One of these times I'm probably gonna get my car keyed.

2.  Cell phone conversations in public places.
Maybe I'm the only one, but I look back fondly on the days when people weren't reachable wherever they went.  Having to listen to other people's (normally loud) personal conversations everywhere in public is beyond annoying.  It's especially irritating at the gym and I have given more than one dirty look to people who walk around shouting into their phones while I'm getting in a workout.  I really want to tell them "You aren't that important.  I'm fairly certain that can wait until you are in a more private setting.".

3.  The dishwasher
Or more accurately, J's seeming inability to actually get his dishes in the dishwasher.  Not every dish that he uses, but I can't tell you how many times I have walked into the kitchen to find a glass or cup sitting on the counter directly above the dishwasher.  Half the time I will put them in (loudly) and the other half of the time I ignore them and leave them there.  I'm not a freaking maid.

I'm sure I have many (many) others, but I'll leave it at that.  So what about you? What grinds your gears, parenting related or not?  Link up with Toddle Along Tuesday and share your gripes.


  1. Haha! I have one about the parking lot on my list as well!

    1. Every time I pull in a parking lot and see that I vent in my car. Drives me crazy.

  2. Yes!!! All of these! I can't stand it when people have cell phone conversations while peeing in public restrooms. Did it ever occur to you that I don't want you friend on the other end to hear me peeing? So awkward and rude!

    1. I can't understand people talking on the phone in the bathroom. Ewwwww!

  3. Lol lol I'm guilty of a few of these! Mouhahaha

    1. Don't worry - I won't hold it against you ;)

  4. Oh the dishwasher, we have that issue too. One parenting goal is to make sure Leland does not see this as being acceptable.

    1. I'm hoping that Andrew's fascination with the dishwasher means he won't take after his daddy!

  5. YES on the shopping carts!! I blogged about that the other day, where a guy just left his cart in front of my car door as I was trying to get my groceries and James in the car. And I agree, I don't leave my cart just because I have James. I strategically plan my parking spot so that I can return the cart and still have full visual on the car with James in it..... oy.

    1. Yep, I either park right by the cart return or I push my cart over there with Andrew still in it and then carry him back to the car. I know it'll be harder with two kids, but I'll still do it.

  6. I'm guilty of the shopping cart one, but only at our grocery store that doesn't have a corral ;)`
