Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend Recap

Another weekend that went way too fast.  Since I have a lot of work to do today I'm just going to do a quick photo dump.

Friday we went to dinner with some friends and got home later than the boy's normal bathtime, so we combined both of them into one tub:

That night we were pleasantly surprised to have Elliot sleep over 10 hours.  Saturday morning he had me up at 7:00 so we hung out watching some Olympics.

Andrew had an afternoon with his daddy and they went to the Fireman's Museum and the park:

We took Andrew to get his 3rd professional haircut he he was an absolute rockstar and didn't shed a single tear:

We met some friends out for dinner on Saturday and I was so glad Andi was able to meet Elliot:

Saturday night Elliot again slept 10+ hours and then yesterday he took a 3 hour nap (which is unheard of - Saturday the longest he ever napped was 40 mins).  I took Andrew to Walmart with me while Elliot napped and then the four of us went over to the park - Andrew on the back of J's bike and Elliot in the stroller.  They played on the swings for a while:

and Elliot and I had some bonding time:

Last night Elliot slept just over 9 hours, so not as good as the previous two nights, but still pretty damn good.  He woke up right when my alarm went off so it was perfect timing.

Now here we are back at Monday and trying to make it through another week. I am so looking forward to next Monday when I have the day off (President's Day) and the boys will be in daycare so I can actually get some stuff done around the house.  Just have to make it through these five days...

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