On Friday I took the day off of work (Jonathan had Good Friday off, but I didn't) and we took the boys to the zoo. Biggest. Mistake. Ever.
I completely wasn't thinking about the fact that it was Spring Break (although I still find it odd that grade schoolers get Spring Break) AND it was a holiday for some people. Due to that, the zoo was a nightmare. So crowded.
We got in there around 11:30 and made the trek down through the botanical gardens (since we parked at the wrong entrance). We headed over to the giraffes since they let you feed them between 10:30 and 1:00. I paid $4 for two rations of lettuce and was given this total ripoff of one:
Last year when we went there was hardly anyone there so we got a lot more for our money. I guess they rationed it out since it was so crowded. Next time I'm sneaking in my own lettuce.
Anyway, we got in there among the crowd and Andrew got to feed him (there was only one giraffe at the platform interested in the food):
After that we headed over to look at the ostriches and zebras:
I was trying to stick to the shade as much as possible, but it was still pretty warm. Elliot wasn't amused:
Andrew amused himself by climbing on statues of animals:
My sisters and nieces were supposed to meet us there, but they got stuck in an awful traffic jam and ended up abandoning the plan because the girls were getting hungry and cranky. So it ended up just being the four of us. We spent about 4.5 hours there before we headed back up through the botanical gardens to the car.
We also hit a bunch of traffic on the way home, so it made for a somewhat long day.
Saturday I got up and got the boys ready and we headed to Myrtle Beach for the day for an Easter party and to celebrate with my family. The Easter party was at the Moose Lodge where my parents are members. At the beginning there was an egg hunt:
We had lunch and then attempted a visit with the Easter bunny. Elliot was not having it:
After the party we headed back to my parents house to color some eggs and have an Easter dinner:
We left for home around 5:15 and got home at 7:00. Andrew wanted to dye some more eggs when we got home:
Elliot amused himself with a bucket on his head:
That night I hid some eggs before going to bed and assembled the baskets for the boys. Sunday morning we got them up and let them discover their goodies:
We made some breakfast, including Jonathan attempting to heat up some of the dyed eggs in the microwave - leading to exploding eggs and a need to clean the ceiling:
After breakfast we played outside some on the deck. Andrew was very excited about his butterfly net and wanted to go catch some bugs:
We spent some time in the backyard and decided to work on the garden. I helped out until I pulled a weed and this guy popped out:
That ended my helping with the weeding. I hate snakes. Elliot, on the other hand, was very interested in it:
After the snake adventure it was time to put him down for a nap and figure out dinner. We had a honeybaked ham and I whipped up some mashed potatoes and a green bean casserole. It wasn't a huge fancy dinner, but it was a perfect evening to wrap up the whirlwind weekend before getting back to the grind on Monday. Another great couple days with my three favorite guys. <3
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