Monday, September 13, 2010

The cat is out of the bag (Telling my family)

So we told my family yesterday. I really wanted to tell them in person so we took a day trip up to Myrtle Beach (one of my least favorite places to go - I just really can't stand that city).  Anyway, since it was Grandparent's Day I bought a card for my parents and taped one of the u/s pictures inside and wrote 'Ready for round 3? (I have 2 nieces already)  Baby XXXXX due April 10, 2011'  My mom opened the card and got a big smile. She handed the card to my dad and came over and gave me a huge hug.  My dad's reaction was "Cool!".

Then we left J there with my dad and headed up to my sister's house so I could see the munchkins.  One niece, Kayleigh, is 2 1/2 and Kendall will be 9 months this Wednesday (the 15th).  We hung out for a bit and my mom looks at me and says "Well, are you gonna tell her?".  So I looked at Kendall and said "Are you ready to be a cousin?"  My sister's reaction was also  "Cool!" (yeah - my family appears to be a little lacking in the expressing emotions department).  We headed over to a local sports themed restaurant with the kiddies for lunch and to watch the first half of the Steeler game.  It's amazing how many Steeler fans there are in SC - I'm guessing everyone moves away from the 'burgh because it's just too damn cold up there.  At halftime my brother-in-law took the girls home and the rest of us headed to another sports bar (with a better tv) to meet my dad and J for the second half of the game.  J was more interested in the Panthers game which oddly enough they did NOT have on any of the TVs.  Umm - hello, this is one of the Carolinas and they are the Carolina Panthers, but whatever.  I always forget that you can smoke in restaurants and bars in other places (it's banned in Charleston and I've gotten spoiled) so we were in a somewhat smokey bar for the remainder of the game. Thankfully it was a Steelers win so it was worth it.

J and I headed home with instructions from my mom to call my other sister that night and tell her. She knew that my sister would be calling her and asking about me since she already suspected that I was pregnant due to my drinking water when I went out to dinner with her a few weeks ago.  Plus she is the one who had the dream that I was pregnant and totally called me out on it over text.  So we got home and I texted her the picture of the u/s with the message 'Ready for your next niece or first nephew?' then I called her and we talked for about an hour.  I know she is happy for us, but I can also sense some sadness in her.  I know it's hard for her that her younger sister is married and now going to have a baby. That makes me sad.  She truly is my best friend and I want nothing more than for her to be happy.  I'm hoping that when I go out to AZ to visit her in a few weeks that everything is ok.

All in all it was a good weekend and it was great to finally  let my family know.  Next up - we tell his parents tomorrow night when we head up to Charlotte for a few days for the wedding I am in on Friday.  Fingers crossed that they are happy for us - and quit that disgusting smoking around me.

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