Thursday, April 5, 2012

Is that you, AF?

Not that anyone cares to know about the inner workings of my body,  but it's my blog and this is what's on my mind at the moment, so here you go.

My last little monthly visitor was July 4, 2010.  Yep - 21 months ago (thank you breastfeeding!). I have to say I haven't missed dealing with that every month one bit.  And I'm sure J hasn't missed dealing with my moody ass every month, either.  But now that thoughts of Munchkin 2.0 are dancing in my head, I'm starting to wonder when it's gonna come.

This past weekend I had very very light spotting. That lasted through Monday and on Tuesday I had a couple hours of possible light flow (and that's being generous). Yesterday there was nothing.  So I'm not sure if that was really it, or if this is just my body gearing up to get back in the swing of things.  I mean,  it's been 21 months so I've kind of been expecting the mother of all periods with hideous cramps and the kind of bleeding that requires a whole box of super plus tampons.

Don't get me wrong - I would be thrilled if this was the new norm,  but something tells me this was just a sneak peek and when the real show starts I'm gonna be hating life.  It would be kind of sweet if I could get knocked up again and put it off for another 21 or so months, but I'm not getting my hopes up on that one.  Especially since J and I need to sit down and decide if we are in fact ready to start going for #2.

I've started kind of charting again just to get back in the swing of things, but since I'm not even sure what that was I have no idea where I actually am in a cycle.  It was kind of funny to enter data into the app and see that my last "cycle" was 638 days long.

I assume now that breastfeeding is coming to an end - or at least pumping will be - that I can expect things to start back up with a vengeance in the very near future.  Something tells me that it isn't going to be fun...


  1. can't wait till you have 2.0:) I'm also AF-free still...but I can tell (tmi warning) that the discharge is AF is on the horizon.

  2. LOL i'm still waiting here too. The thought also crossed my mind about getting pregnant before the bitch came back again...wouldn't that be sweet. charting is a good idea! now if i can only remember my fertility friend are we back to this point already?!

    1. Amazingly I was able to find the email from when I originally registered. Clearly I don't clean out my inbox often enough :)

  3. I got mine 6 months post partum. The first one was a walk in the park. No cramping, light flow, easy. The second one was AWFUL, I thought I was going to die.

    1. That's what I'm afraid of! And the reason I think it would be awesome to bypass that with another pregnancy :)

  4. I still haven't had my true first one, but I do keeping having random days of spotting. It will be seriously one day a month, but I think my IUD may be messing with me a bit.

    I would like to chart so I can stop using my IUD honestly, but it is so hard to remember to take my temp first thing in the morning when usually I have L to nurse. So we will see.

  5. Get out of my head. I was thinking about a period post today (or lack of). I'm scared of a doozy as well. I was trying to remember the last time I bought tampons. I'm pretty sure it was July 2010.

    1. Great minds think alike. ;). Pretty sure my box is from July 2010, too.

  6. I had to find my login through my email as well haha. Unfortunately, I got my period in January after being super ill around Christmas. My supply has tanked more and more since then, which blows. My cramps are different and my cycle has gotten shorter and shorter (back to normal for me) each month. I've just started charting CM and periods to keep myself in check for now.
