They printed out a bunch of copies of the pictures for us and gave us a disk with them on there as well. I'll take that disk back for the next u/s and they will add the new pictures to it. Of course I'm not scheduled for another one until the big one at 20 weeks. That is, unless we decide to do the NT Scan between 11.5 and 13 weeks. We haven't decided yet if we are going to do that test.
I have lab orders to go get my blood drawn so they can do the prenatal panel. I need to go do that sometime before my next appt (Sept 29th). I need to decide if I want to get tested to see if I am a carrier for CF. If I'm not then we have absolutely nothing to worry about. If I am then we only have to slightly worry if J is, too (only a 25% chance of Baby W having CF if we are both carriers).
Anyway, today did so much to ease my mind - and make this sooooo much more real! So without further ado, here is Baby W!
I'm in love!
Ohhh congrats!! That is amazing! I'm so happy for you :) I absolutely cannot wait for my first appointment!
ReplyDelete(this is lylahlove btw)
Thanks! I was so nervous leading up to the appt that for some reason they wouldn't find anything in there. Watching that little heartbeat was more amazing than I could have ever imagined.
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