Friday, July 29, 2011

52 Weeks

52 weeks ago today my life changed forever.  That's when I saw this:

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I had gotten up for work and done the whole pee-in-a-cup thing and used some of the internet cheapie tests. (Yes I did two different kinds!)  J walked into the bathroom as I was standing there staring at them.  Our conversation went like this:

J: What are you doing?

Me: Looking at my lines.

J: What does that mean?

Me:  It means I hope you're ready.

J:  Are you pregnant?

Me:  I think so.

He busted out laughing, grabbed me, and gave me a huge hug and a kiss.  On the way to work I stopped at the store and bought the digital test seen above to confirm.  I took it in the work bathroom and when the word 'Pregnant' popped up instantly I got the biggest smile on my face.

Now here we are one year later and we have this:

He's much cuter than a pee stick, don't you think?


  1. awww this made me tear up because I remember that morning I read your announcement on ttgp and I was so happy for you :) Hands down the fastest year ever!

  2. I remember your BFP post, too! I was so excited for you!

  3. OMG I thought you were pregnant again!
